The most important components for construction are cement, sand, stone, water and steel.
Choosing the right cement is very important as it is literally the binding force that keeps the whole structure together.
Cement Types:
1) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) : Clinker + Gypsum
2) Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) : Fly Ash + Clinker + Gypsum
Cement Contribution:
1) Cement accounts for an about 12 to 18% of the total expenditure on construction.
2) Good brands of cement cost 3 to 5% more but offer quality and reliability.
3) They provide 5 to 15% greater strength characteristics.
How to use cement to make concrete:
Cement must be added to make concrete in a precise, consistent manner.
1) Volume proportions of 1 water, 2 cement, 3 sand should be made.
2) Another rule of thumb is 1 cement, 2 sand, 3 gravel by volume.
3) Mix the ingredients.
4) Add water until the concrete is usable.
5) This mixture may need to be modified depending on the aggregate use.
More help visit:
Tips on cement buying and usage in Noida
Tips on cement buying and usage in Ghaziabad
Tips on cement buying and usage in Greater Noida
Tips on cement buying and usage in Muradnagar
Tips on cement buying and usage in Dadri